What People Are Saying


“I’m a big idea person and typically take an ‘all or nothing’ approach. Through working with Kristen, I’ve realized that big changes can start with small, doable shifts. From the very first session, I was able to see how tweaks to my habits and my mindset had tremendous impacts in all areas of my life.”

— joy

“It’s hard to describe how extraordinary Kristen was in her ability to be both practical and grounded in the art of the possible, while also helping me to dream bigger. I came away from our time together having developed more compassion for myself while also holding myself more accountable for taking action to make my vision an everyday reality.”

— susan

“During an extremely tumultuous time, working with Kristen enabled me to stay grounded, focused on the things I could control, and identify the tangible steps I could take to move my life in the direction I wanted to go in.”

— eleanor